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Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)

EARTH ETHICS 1997 Winter/Spring

The Earth Charter Benchmark Draft - Earth is our home and home to all living beings. Earth itself is alive. We are part of an interdependent community of life with a magnificent diversity of life forms and cultures. We are humbled before the beauty of Earth and share a reverence for life and the resources of our being. We give thanks for the heritage that we have received from past generations and embrace our responsibilities to present and future generations.

The Earth Charter Process, by Steven C. Rockefeller. The current Earth Charter initiative grows out of the international community's efforts over the past fifty years to define and implement the fundamental principles of world security and equitable human progress. This Report outlines the history of the Earth Charter Project and briefly describes the Earth Charter Consultation process that has been conducted over the last year in connection with the Rio + 5 Review, culminating in the Benchmark draft.

Major Groups Participating to the Earth Charter Consultation - Part of the Rio+5 review has involved assessment of progress toward sustainability by national councils of sustainable development in different parts of the world. In addition, several organizations and groups were actively engaged in coordinating input during the Earth Charter Consultation process.

A Common Ground for Global Earth Ethics, by Richard M. Clugston. The fundamental task of the Earth Charter process is to shape an ethical framework and identify those commitments necessary to ensure a viable future for the community of life on earth. This article identifies and discusses three major themes in the benchmark draft that offer a common ground for an emerging earth ethic.

FORUM: Foundations of a Post-Modern "Declaration of Interdependence" - Reflections on our modern, enlightenment heritage by: Vaclev Havel, Brendan Mackey, and David McCloskey.

Progress Since Rio?, Excerpts from the report of the Intersessional Working Group of the Commission on Sustainable Development indicating its assessment progress since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992.

The Earth Charter - The Oman Report, by Mehdi Ahmed Jaaffer. Excerpts from the Sultanate of Oman's submission to the Earth Charter Consultation Process.

A Buddhist-Christian Contribution to the Earth Charter, by Grace Burford, Sallie King. Paul Knitter, and Jay McDaniel. Written by members of the Society of Buddhist-Christian studies selected by the Society's Executive Committee, this document responds to the Earth Council's call for input into the Earth Charter Deliberations.

India's Heritage of Environmental Stewardship, by O.P. Dwivedi. Excerpts from an article in the "Journal of Developing Countries".

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