Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)
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Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)

EARTH ETHICS 1994 Winter

Eco-psychology, by Theodore Roszak. Examines an emerging psychology that frees the human psyche as a particular mode of reflection of earth processes, interconnected psychically with all life, and that diagnoses and treats with the earth as context. Excerpted from the author's book Voice of the Earth.

Psychotherapy and Aesthetic Justice, by James Hillman. Examines the role of the Earth in maintaining psychological health.

Environmental Influences, by Winifred Gallagher. Mental fatigue in urban settings successfully overcome with the restorative environment of nature.

Walking, by Linda Hogan. An essay concerning the language of the Earth.

The Deep Ecology of Human Development, by Richard M. Clugston. Provides insight on the ecology of the human psyche in relation to personal sacrifice and the health of the biosphere.

A Dark Time, by Mary Southard. A meditation on modern humankind's winter season of natural consciousness.

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