Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)
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Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)

EARTH ETHICS 1994 Summer

Homeless in the Global Village, by Vandana Shiva. The author argues that traditional models of sustainable development measured by gross domestic products and per capita incomes inevitably uproot peoples from their ancestral lands and destroy the "economies" that sustained these lands. She argues for sustainable development that is instead based on enhancement of local cultures and on economies responsive to the ecology of local place.

The Crisis of Development, by Bruce Rich. Excerpted from the author's book Mortgaging the Earth, the author describes why conservation of ancient cultures is a "foundational act of freedom" for the present. [Or, how the most important elements of local knowledge are lost when attempts are made to generalize them to a global level.]

A Pocketful of Stones, by David Sobel, and A Little Bird Named Wind, by Gemma Lockhart. A collection of childhood memories reprinted from Orion magazine.

Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development, by Richard M. Clugston. A summation of the "Speaking for the Earth" conference, with examples of initiatives in a range of indigenous communities that illustrate authentically sustainable development.

Freda and the Ants, a poem by Myra Sklarew.

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