Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)
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Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)


An Ecologically Sensitive Spirituality, by Thomas Berry. As Saint Thomas saw so clearly: The integrity of the universe is the ultimate and noblest perfection in things. (Summa Contra Gentiles, 11, 46). Once we accept that we exist as a component member of this larger community of existence then we can begin to act in a more appropriate human way. We might even enter once again into that great celebration, the universe itself.
(Printable preview article)

Spirituality in Creation: The Life and Teachings of Francis of Assisi, by John Hart. Francis of Assisi wandered through and beyond his native Italy to his mission of recalling the Church to fidelity to the message of the kingdom of God proclaimed by Jesus. Francis saw simplicity, poverty, compassion, and respect for God's creation as fundamental aspects of that message.

The Emerging Alliance of Religion and Ecology, by Mary Evelyn Tucker. Can we go beyond the paralyzing statistics of environmental degradation to create the common ethical grounds for sustainable life for future generations?

Ecological Design as a Sacred Art, by David W. Orr. . . . in the final analysis we are just not good enough to make a decent world for 10-12 billion people unless we first simplify our wants and share far more than we do now.

Sustaining Rural Livelihoods: Concepts and Selected Experiences, by Cristina M. Liamzon. The viability of people and communities engaged in meeting individual and collective needs in environmentally responsible ways is being undermined by macro-economic forces.

The Politics of Ecological Conversion, by Karl-Ludwig Schibel. Reason as well as intuition, a thorough analysis as well as a clear ethical understanding of our place in this world must guide us to determine the direction of the steps we are taking . . . .

Politics for a Humane, Sustainable Future, by John A. Hoyt. Most political parties lack any vision whatsoever of a sustainable society. This article identifies three strategic themes for building a new politics of sustainability.

Educating for an Environmental Future, by Maria Luisa Cohen. It is not a coincidence that our concern for the environment is largely reduced ton an emphasis on its economic role . . . . This utilitarian point of view makes sense for business, but it cannot be the foundation of education.

Curricular Reform for Spirituality and Sustainability, by Gary N. McCloskey. If we take seriously the environmental challenge, our academic curriculums must reflect . . . our "responsibility to pass on to the young a mental ecology that will not exacerbate the crisis."

Snow Falling on Cedars, a story of life lived in reality by David Guterson. There was nothing to be done except what could be done.

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