Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)
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Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)
Programs & Services


Institution: Calvin College, 3201 Burton Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Course Title: Peaceable Kingdom: Transforming Our Relationships with Animals (Philosophy W10)
Instructor: Assistant Prof. Matthew Halteman, 616-526-6726, [email protected]
Summary: This course is designed (1) to educate students about the ethical and environmental dimensions of human relationships to non-human animals; and (2) to provide students with viable argumentative and activist strategies for revaluing these relationships in view of the principles of justice and sustainability. Topics covered include animal intelligence and emotion; animal cruelty and the social and environmental fallout of factory farming; exploitation in the pet, clothing, entertainment, and research industries; philosophical arguments for the moral standing of animals (from rights, utilitarian, virtue, and mercy-based perspectives); community supported agriculture and organic produce farming; animal rights advocacy (practical and legal considerations); and vegetarian/vegan nutrition. View Course Syllabus

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Institution: Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057
Course Title: Animals: Minds, Morals and Nature (Phil/ENTS 243)
Instructor: Dale Jamieson, Henry R. Luce Professor in Human Dimensions of Global Change, 507-646-4121, [email protected]
Summary: Discusses the relationships of humans to animals in the philosophy of mind, ethics, and environmental policy. Among the questions explored are: Do animals have minds? Do humans have duties to animals? How seriously should we take the interests of individual animals in our decision-making? How should the interests of animals be weighed against various environmental goods such as the conservation of rare plants? The course is strongly focused on student participation, and encourages critical thinking, argumentation, and formation and refinement of one's personal viewpoints.

Institution: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
Course Title: Animal Ethics
Instructor: Bernard Rollin, 970-491-6315, [email protected]
Summary: Surveys some of the major issues that have emerged in the past 30 years regarding the moral status of animals.

Institution: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
Course Title: Bioethics and Society (PLCC 130)
Instructors: Dr. Bernard Rollin and Dr. Colin Clay, 97