Rick Clugston is executive director of CRLE and University Leaders
for a Sustainable Future (ULSF), and publisher and editor of Earth
Ethics. CRLE focuses on the following program areas: the Greening
of Academia, Religion and Ecology, the Earth Charter Initiative,
and Sustainable Livelihoods and Sustainable Communities.
Prior to coming to Washington, D. C., Dr. Clugston worked for
the University of Minnesota for 11 years, first as a faculty member
in the College of Human Ecology, and later as a strategic planner
in Academic Affairs, Continuing Education and the Office of the
President. He was a consultant to the State Department of Education,
the Minnesota Business Partnership, and various colleges and school
systems on educational improvement. Dr. Clugston has taught and
published on human development, strategic planning, educational
reform, and most recently on environmental ethics, spirituality
and sustainability.
He received his doctorate in Higher Education from the University
of Minnesota (1987), and his Master's in Human Development from
the University of Chicago (1977). As an undergraduate psychology
and biochemistry major at the University of Minnesota (1975),
he received the Mayo Foundation Scholarship for Medicine and Medicine
Related Fields. His doctoral thesis was selected as dissertation
of the year by the American Association of University Administrators.
Selected publications include:
- Clugston, R., "The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable
Development," SGI Quarterly, Soka Gakkai International,
October 2004. See
article online
- Clugston, R. Humane Sustainable Development, in
R. Clugston (Ed.) Earth Ethics: Evolving Values for an Earth
Community, Vol. 12. No. 1, Spring 2004.
- Calder, W. and R. Clugston, Lighting Many Fires: South
Carolinas Sustainable Universities Initiative, in
Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Problematics,
Promise, and Practice, Peter Blaze Corcoran and Arjen E.J.
Wals, Eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, 2004.
- Clugston, R. and P.B. Corcoran. Teaching for the Environment
in Higher Education: The Promise of the Earth Charter,
in R. Tchen and P. B. Corcoran (Eds.) Earth Ethics: Evolving
Values for an Earth Community, Fall 2003.
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- Calder, W. and R. Clugston, International Efforts to
Promote Higher Education for Sustainable Development,
in Planning for Higher Education, Journal of the Society
for College and University Planning, Spring 2003.
- Clugston, R., and W. Calder. "Critical Dimensions of
Sustainability in Higher Education," in W. Leal Filho (Ed.),
Sustainability and University Life, New York, NY: Peter
Lang Scientific Publishers, 1999.
- Clugston, R. "Transforming Higher Education to Care for
Creation," in R. Peterson and D. Conroy (Eds.), Earth
at Risk: Advancing the Environmental Dialogue Between Science
and Religion, Prometheus Press, 1999.
- Clugston, R., and J. Hoyt. "Environment, Development
and Moral Values," in C. J. Hamelink (Ed.), Ethics and
Development: On Making Moral Choices in Development Co- operation,
Kampen, Holland: Uitgeverij Kok, 1997.
- Clugston, R. "Sustainability and Rural Revitalization:
Two Alternative Visions," in I. Audirac (Ed.), Rural
Sustainable Development in America, New York: John Wiley
and Sons, 1997.
- Clugston, R. "The Praxis of Institutional Greening,"
in D.T. Hessel (Ed.), Theology for Earth Community: A Field
Guide, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1996.
- Clugston, R. "Higher Education's Ecological Mission,"
in Education for the Earth: The College Guide for Careers
in the Environment, 2nd Ed., Princeton, NJ: Peterson's Guides,
Inc., 1995.